Juliane Snowden

Senior Trainer

Juliane’s 25+ year communications career focuses on developing clear and compelling messaging, especially for the biotech and financial services communities. She has managed media and investor relations, speech writing and presentation coaching for the senior management of emerging firms right up to corporate giants. She possesses an uncanny ability to recognize and address underlying questions that clients are hesitant to express. Juliane’s style is rigorous yet nurturing and prepares executives to answer tough questions while exuding confidence, savvy and calm.

She held positions at several public relations and investor relations firms including Thomson Financial, Cohn & Wolfe, Citigate Dewe Rogerson, Burns McClellan and her own firm, The Oratorium Group.

Prior to joining Franchetti Communications, Juliane was an FC client for many years. She witnessed the immediate impact of the Franchetti coaching process which led her to want to join our team. 

Juliane attended the University of Maryland. Her career began in New York, went to Washington, DC, and she is currently based in Nevada.

In her free time, Juliane enjoys creating masterpieces in her kitchen to rival those of her favorite restaurants.

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