Media Training

Convey a positive image for yourself and your company

Working With The Media™

Media interviews can bring great rewards, but they also come with high risk. Our comprehensive media training program provides corporate spokespeople with the unwritten rules and essential tools for interacting with the business, trade and mainstream media so they will be treated fairly every step of the way.

Discover how to put forth important messages, keep them in context, and avoid being trapped or misquoted so that the exposure you and your company receive is positive.e.

Working with the Media™ gives you the edge to:
• Turn every media interview into an opportunity
• Convey a positive image
• Understand your rights as an interviewee
• Communicate key messages in a quotable manner
• Avoid being trapped or misquoted
• Maximize the support of your corporate communications or public relations team 

Customized media training sessions include:

• In-depth research into your specific circumstances, prior to your media training
• True-to-life media interviews with on-camera practice and critiques
• Strategies to strengthen key messages and respond to tough questions.

executive media training
  • “Truly valuable insights and coaching with specific action plans. They immediately gained my TRUST and engagement.”

    – Chief Innovation Officer, Multinational Technology Company

  • “My clients at the most senior level have said that Jack's media training course is one of the best that they've ever taken.”

    – Managing Director, Public Relations Firm

  • “Your feedback helped me have a very thorough and precise dialogue and provided me with the confidence to succeed in those interviews.”

    – Executive, Healthcare Company

Be ready for any media interview