Corporate media training for retailer spokespeople

Case Study: Luxury retailer equipping local spokespeople to speak about the brand

A large retailer grew its global footprint. The company desired to prepare local and national spokespeople to represent the company and its products consistently. Each spokesperson needed corporate media training and presentation coaching.


  • Franchetti Communications became intimately familiar with the retailer’s branding, message platform and media policies in order to convey firm-specific communication policies to the attendees

  • Intensive 2-day sessions were conducted on-site, with extensive on-camera simulations of formal speeches, meeting skills and corporate media interviews

  • Franchetti Communications wrote a company-specific guide on media policies, best practices and company messaging for use globally


  • Newly assigned regional spokespeople were able to immediately deploy company approved messaging while localizing the messages for the demands of each market

  • The public relations team’s resources were strategically supplemented and reinforced through the documentation of corporate policies and best practices, thus ensuring higher levels of control and risk management

  • The media outreach of the company increased substantially due to more spokespeople being trained

  • Sales were positively impacted through increased public speaking and media outreach