Messaging and Media Training

Case Study: Messaging and media training following a crisis

An organization that is heavily involved with nuclear power needed to address safety concerns following the earthquake and tsunami that damaged the Fukushima nuclear power plant.


  • Message strategy consulting was conducted by phone and in person with company officials to address immediate concerns that surfaced from the crisis in Japan

  • Full-day executive media training sessions were conducted with select company executives, including on-camera simulated media interviews

  • Presentation coaching and media training were provided for executives who market nuclear power solutions in the US and globally, with a strong emphasis on Q&A to address safety concerns


  • The industry spokespeople increased their knowledge of crisis and non-crisis media interview skills

  • Marketing representatives were fully prepared to address very sensitive issues with credibility, while articulating the continued importance of nuclear energy

  • Messaging was consistent across spokespeople stationed worldwide

  • The organization was able to confidently accept speaking opportunities, and continued to proactively promote the nuclear industry