Video Conferencing From Home? These Tips Will Help

No business leader could have predicted the disruptions that the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak is causing to businesses everywhere. Meetings and conferences are being cancelled or postponed. Many people are already working from home or from backup business locations. During times like this, communication is more important than ever, especially to reassure and update nervous stakeholders. Video conferencing can help you connect more effectively with clients and employees until it is safe to resume normal business operations.  

When video conferencing from home, these tips can help ensure your video conference is successful:

Put Your Best Face Forward

Center yourself in the frame and zoom in so you can be easily seen on the other side. Position the camera slightly above your head for a more attractive angle. Definitely avoid positioning yourself with the camera below forehead level, as this creates very unsightly views of the nostrils and even the ceiling (this is most relevant when using a laptop or mobile device). If you have a laptop stand, use it. Otherwise, use a box or books to raise the height of your laptop.

Load and Test Video Conferencing Software

Get clearance from your IT department to load a video conference system onto your laptop or iPad. At Franchetti Communications, we use Zoom to connect with clients worldwide. Each provider’s technology is a little different, so it’s important to experiment with the program you choose. Set up a test meeting with a colleague (or with us!) to work out the kinks.

Let Technology Work for You

If you are using a laptop or portable device, you may get a better audio connection by using amicrophone, such as an earbud mic for your phone or a headset, instead of relying solely on the built-in mic from your device. Sometimes you will get a clearer audio connection by dialing-in to the telephone number listed on the meeting invite while simultaneously connecting on the video line. If you dial in by phone, you may need to mute the laptop audio to prevent feedback.

Use Simple Slides to Relay Information

If you’re sharing slides or conducting a full presentation, keep the details on your slides minimal when possible. Small print on a small screen can result in missed information and frustration. Focus on communicating clearly, practicing the skills you have learned in your Franchetti coaching sessions.

Minimize Distractions

Choosing the right location is important - especially when working from home. Select a room where you are less likely to be disrupted by children, deliveries or dogs that need to be let out.  Not all noises can be prevented but minimize the distractions when possible. Clean up the background – this is not the time to see your laundry in the distance or the kids' arts and crafts projects.  

While we all hope things return to normal quickly, the reality is that we may all be working from home for an extended period of time. Get used to video conferencing and using online collaboration tools to remain efficient and productive.

The Franchetti team is available to help you test and get more comfortable with your video conference software before you are forced to use it in a high-pressure situation.


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