Speaking from a Podium - Don't Let It Hold You Back

Speaking from a podium is often required at annual meetings and other large events. Some of the greatest speeches were delivered from behind a podium. The podium does not have to be a hindrance if done right. It is essential that you practice and prepare for your event.The Podium Is Not a CrutchWe all tend to get nervous before presenting, but there is a difference between standing behind a podium and hiding behind it. And don’t grip onto the podium for dear life. It is meant to hold your notes, not you! The best way to become comfortable is to practice.Speak, Don’t Read Rather than lean on the podium, use good posture and stand straight. This will make it easier for you to breathe, allow you to speak with clarity, and help you maintain good eye contact with your audience. If you lean on the podium or slouch over it, you will find it more difficult to speak well. Don’t assume that because you have a podium, you don’t have to practice your delivery. If you spend your time staring down at the podium, reading to your audience, they’ll spend their time with their eyes closed.Use the Podium as a Speaking ToolThe podium offers a platform for your notes to help you keep your place, remind you of salient points, and keep you focused on your message. You may even want to make a note reminding yourself to stand up, breathe and take a pause, make eye contact, and speak clearly and slowly.Arrive Early and Customize Your Podium ExperienceArrive early and take a few moments to stand at the actual podium you’ll be using:

  • Does the podium height suit you? If the podium is too tall, you can ask for a riser to stand on; if the podium is too short, ask to have it put on a platform to elevate it.
  • What is the podium made of? If it's clear, minimize the clutter that you bring with you.
  • Test the microphone. Make sure you know how to adjust it, where it works best for you, and how well it picks up your voice.
  • If you are using slides, be sure the podium is situated in such a way that it doesn’t block the screen when you’re standing at it.

Use eye contact, exude passion, and don’t make the podium something you hide behind.


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