Speaking Abroad Part 2: Asia: Language Beyond Words

by Suzanne Franchetti, Franchetti Communications, and Diane McGreal, Living Abroad Cultural AdvisorCommunication between the East and West is challenging in both verbal and nonverbal arenas. As an American who has lived and traveled throughout Asia, I have had many opportunities to experience communication mishaps. I came to realize that what is acceptable in Japan is very different from what is acceptable in Malaysia or China. While I wasn’t able to learn all of the commonly used languages in Asia, I found that learning about nonverbal cues was almost as powerful.According to cultural anthropologist Edward T. Hall, 60 percent of all our communication is nonverbal. We use nonverbal communication to say what words cannot. When we send these messages cross-culturally, there is a high risk of miscommunication. The uses of body language, posture, hand gestures, eye contact, and facial expressions in the US and Asia are very different and do not easily translate across cultures. For example:
  • Sitting cross-legged in the US is regarded as comfortable, casual body language. However, in many parts of Asia, sitting in a way that shows others the sole of your shoe conveys disrespect.
  • In some cultures, nodding one’s head up and down means, “I agree with what you are saying.” However, in other cultures, this same nod says: “I am listening to you intently,” or “I am listening…but I am not in agreement.”
  • Any given hand gesture can be interpreted positively or negatively, depending on the culture.  In some Asian cultures, it is rude to point with an index finger. Instead, people point with a thumb. The “OK” sign, commonly used in the US, has numerous interpretations in other cultures. They range from positive to rude or even vulgar.
  • To beckon someone in the US, you raise your hand palm up. In many Asian cultures, your palm faces down, and your hand moves in a scratching motion.
  • Greetings vary as well. In the US, a handshake is common and generally accepted worldwide. In Japan, bowing is most often the form of greeting.
  • Silence is a very common practice in Asian cultures, where it is a sign of listening politely and contemplatively. It can be viewed in the US as disinterest or lack of knowledge.

Understanding nonverbal language is a powerful tool for intercultural communication. As you travel, observe local gestures and body language, and learn more about them. If you see a gesture that you don’t understand, ask a local what it means. Learning and respect lead to understanding.Originally published on LinkedIn.For additional information see: Axtell, Roger E., Gestures: The Do's and Taboos of Body Language Around the World. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1991. 


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