Whether you’re a pro at public speaking or are about to make your first  presentation, nerves are expected. These public speaking tips can help you feel more prepared:

  • Prepare and practice.
  • Accept that you may not speak perfectly – and that no one will fault you for being imperfect.
  • Focus on the message you’re trying to deliver.
  • Be aware of your nervous tics. If you tend to move your hands, touch your mouth, ruffle your hair or make other distracting movements, work on containing them during your practice sessions.
  • Spend a few minutes prior to your event or interview breathing deeply, focusing on physiologically calming your nerves.
  • Visit the location of your speaking engagement in advance whenever possible. The more you are familiar with the environment, the less anxious you will feel on the day you speak.
  • Understand not just the audience you’re targeting but the one who will be listening and possibly reporting about what you’re saying.

One of the most important things to realize is that even though you may know what you plan to say, your audience does not; so, when you make what feels like a huge mistake, your audience really doesn’t know.


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