First impressions are significant. People make a lot of assumptions about you in the first few seconds of seeing you – even before you speak. You can tilt the odds in your favor and present a favorable impression to your audience, by using these tips to help make your first impression memorable and positive.Be On TimeThe fastest way to turn off your audience is to keep them waiting. They took time out of their schedules to hear from you. Do them the courtesy of being on time and ready to begin. End on time as well.Dress the PartHow you dress, and even more so, how well-groomed and polished you are, has a huge impact on how you are received by your audience. Sure, there are some who get away with wearing hoodies and sneakers, but most of us need to dress professionally and more formally to make the right impression during a presentation.Body Language Speaks VolumesYour body language conveys more than you may realize. From nervous habits and tics, to crossed arms and frowns that make you unapproachable, what you don’t say may matter more than what you do say. Be open and relaxed, smile, and make eye contact with your audience.How You Say It MattersHow you speak can impact how well you are received. You will lose your audience if you:

  • Speak too quickly
  • Mumble or speak too quietly
  • Encumber your speech with ums and ahs
  • Read your notes in a monotone voice without making eye contact

Be PreparedPractice your presentation until you can smoothly and effectively deliver your message. If you show up for a presentation and it’s obvious you aren’t prepared, your audience will resent you for not putting in the time necessary to make their attendance worthwhile. You should also practice using the technical equipment that you’ll need for your presentation. Arrive early to make sure that the equipment you’ll be using is functioning properly and that you know how to use it ahead of time.Be Enthusiastic and EngagedIf you want your audience to care about what you’re saying, you need to care, too. Be enthusiastic and passionate about your message. Be engaged both with what you’re saying and with your audience. Be grateful to them for attending and taking the time to listen to you.It is said that you only have a few seconds to make a good first impression. Make the most of those few moments.


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