Why Your Broadcast Interview Needs Graphics

The use of visuals or graphics during a business news broadcast media interview is a great way to amplify your company’s expertise and your corporate messages. They will help maintain the flow and direction of the media interview, as well as offer meaningful reinforcements for your words.Research shows that the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text alone.  Visuals help you tell the story of who you are as a business, what your organization stands for, and what your company does.Use B-roll to maximize your company messagesBusiness news broadcasts commonly take advantage of B-roll as background footage for high-impact visuals that highlight your firm’s brand or products. By providing the producers with this, you are controlling the manner in which your company is portrayed.Carefully selected images will also help your spokesperson deliver the right information in a very limited time frame.Heighten the emotional response of your audienceVisuals are successful in part because images quickly evoke emotional responses, establish personal connections, promote relationships, and boost engagement. Visuals allow clients and prospects to see beyond the corporate face of an organization.Your communications team should be working to send messages that the public not only wants to hear, but see as well.


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