3 Things Your Corporate Communications Team Needs You to Know

No matter how good your products or services are, and no matter how many competitive advantages you might enjoy, your company will suffer without the implementation of a cohesive, well-planned corporate communications plan.  Here are some things your communications team wishes you knew.

A plan is only as good as its execution 

Your corporate communications team works hard to develop messaging, sound bites, and branding strategies as part of a comprehensive plan to help your company look remarkable to all stakeholders. But you won’t derive any benefit from that plan unless it is effectively implemented.  This means executives at the highest level need to buy into the messaging strategy and set an example by sticking to the communication platform. For example, refrain from ad-libbing or speaking off-the-cuff in media interviews and press conferences.

Bring your communications team to the table

When developing business strategies, discussing key sales plans, or preparing for board meetings, include your corporate communications team in the planning. The more time they have available to prepare the messaging, the more capable they’ll be in facilitating the publicity, arranging the media interviews, and preparing your executives for speaking engagements and presentations.

Your communications team will offer unique and broad insights about your brand, your company, and your target audience and provide more strategic and impactful corporate messaging. They are also on the front lines when a crisis occurs.  Getting them involved from the start can help you avert a potential public image disaster before it happens.

Know when something is PR worthy and when it is not

Your corporate communications team establishes relationships with the media by bringing the right stories at the right time.  Not everything your company does is newsworthy – and sometimes the macro environment isn’t right for your company to seek media attention.  Your communications team helps ensure your brand is in the best possible light.  Trust their instincts.

Whether you have an entire corporate communications department or a sole communications consultant at your side, the more you communicate with them and treat them as part of your executive team, the more effective your company messaging will be.

Originally posted on LinkedIn.


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