Your corporate message tells everyone – stakeholders, customers, and the public – who you are and how your company is different. What many organizations fail to understand is that everything they say and do, trivial or otherwise, becomes part of their overall corporate message, so if you are not being authentic in what you say and do, it creates discord. Your corporate message must be authentic.

What is Authenticity?

Authenticity is truth and trust. Just as individual executives must learn to be authentic in order to be better leaders, better public speakers, and more credible thought leaders, an organization must be authentic in order to build brand identity, reputation, and trust with consumers and stakeholders. Authenticity is the key to connecting – whether you’re trying to attract talented employees, interested investors, or positive publicity.

Authenticity is more relevant than ever; thanks to technology and social media, conversations are multidirectional and overlapping. Your current clients communicate about your company in ways that are discernable to potential new clients and investors. An executive’s communications are not only visible to the media audience or internal audience to whom they are directed, but may potentially be visible to shareholders, government agencies, or the greater public. Authenticity, then, is about consistency.

How to Create Authentic Corporate Messaging

Creating authentic corporate messaging starts by recognizing that in today’s always-connected society, what you do within the walls of your organization is just as obvious as the message you choose to put in front of the public audience. Transparency, then, is essential. Everything you communicate within your company should serve the public personality of the organization. Each leader within the organization must embrace and exemplify the organization’s culture – and the message must be consistent from the top executives down to the newest employee.

Corporate messaging is the core message of your organization, encompassing every form of communication, from media interviews and press conferences to internal memos and emails. Corporate messaging is the partner of public relations, allowing you to define and communicate your company’s goals, mission, and motivation. Developing a central message depends on the company and industry, but all messages are designed to create trust, brand awareness, and establish the relevance of the organization.

Corporate Messaging Strategy

There are two components to a corporate messaging strategy: internal and external communications. Internal communications, from annual meetings to departmental meetings, are designed to ensure that everyone within the company understands the mission, the goals, and the message. External communications, from social media updates and press releases to news conferences and soundbites, are designed to disseminate that message to the public.

Whether you sell products or services, whether you’re a Fortune 500 company or a two-person shop, your corporate messaging is tied to your brand and your reputation, making it an essential part of your overall business strategy. Every communication that comes from your company, internal or external, should be created keeping your corporate message in mind.

Franchetti Communications delivers accelerated results by designing power-packed media interview and presentation training sessions around your unique goals, in person and via teleconference. Franchetti Communications works with corporations and business leaders to develop communication strategy, messaging, and PR strategy. Follow Franchetti Communications on LinkedIn, and be sure to download our special report: 6 Ways to Guarantee Your Message Cuts Through the Clutter.

5 Responses to Is Your Corporate Message Authentic?
  1. […] interviews without having a message developed that will help them stay on point. Developing your corporate message requires input from your leadership team, marketing team, and public relations team, and it helps […]

  2. […] These questions can help you determine if you are the proper spokesperson. Work closely with your PR and marketing executives to make that decision. Knowing who will conduct the interview and what media platform it is intended for can help you decide if a particular media interview is the proper backdrop for your company’s message. […]

  3. […] audiences are cringing at forced corporate-speak and are craving leaders to speak with compassion, authenticity and credibility. Your executive presence […]

  4. […] Instead, take the time to craft and pressure test your messages and communications strategy.  Authentic corporate communications will help with a successful roll-out. Take a comprehensive view of the range of communications you […]

  5. […] storytelling, which is why we emphasize the importance of identifying your core message and being authentic in your […]


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