presentation coaching

26Jan 2016

Business communication can be complex no matter how simple your message is, but communicating complex ideas in a way that makes the information easy to understand can be even more challenging. How to Deliver Complex Information with Clarity Acheiving the understanding of your audience, whether you’re giving a proposal  to your boss, a pitch to […]

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22Oct 2015

When giving a speech, there are two areas that must be considered: the content and the delivery. Each is an essential component of great oration; you can have the most exciting information to share, but if the entire speech is delivered in a soft, monotone voice, it won’t matter. Likewise, if you are an excellent […]

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22Sep 2015

If you’re delivering your presentation using PowerPoint, PowerPoint’s Presenter View is the perfect feature to make your life easier. There are a few differences between PowerPoint for PCs versus the Mac version. In fact, in a recent update, Microsoft finally made it much, much easier to find and use Presenter View. If you are a […]

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11Aug 2015

Media interviews can be challenging and nerve inducing, even for well-trained executives. There is no doubt that when a spokesperson is ill-prepared for the questions being asked, the results can be disastrous. We’ve all watched that uncomfortable interviewee on television – with the deer-caught-in-the-headlights look on their face and delivering a rambling response to an […]

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